10 Best Examples of Upsell Emails That SaaS Companies Can Learn From

When you think of upselling, think of gaining additional benefits of a product at a premium price. However, this can be a challenging process. Asking customers for a bigger sale isn't exactly what they will be willing to invest in.

But all hope isn't lost. There's still a way you can convince customers to consider your upsell offer. An email provides the best opportunity to present an upsell offer to customers and show them the benefits they will gain when they upgrade.

In this article, we'll share the 10 Best examples of upselling emails that you can learn from.

First of all, let's explain what upselling involves and the benefits that it provides.

Table of contents

  1. What is upselling?
  2. Benefits of upselling
  3. 10 Best Examples of Upsell Emails
  4. Wrapping up

What is upselling?

Upselling is a marketing and sales tactic that involves offering a potential user or customer a premium version of the product they planned to use.

Upselling is all about persuading your customers to upgrade their accounts to get premium features and additional benefits that they won't get from a lesser plan.

Benefits of upselling

Now that you know what upselling is. In this section, we'll explain how applying it in your business can help you in the long run.

Here are three benefits of upselling:

1. Increase in sales

With upselling, you can significantly increase your sales. With the right persuasion tactics, you can compel customers to convert.

Customers will be more open to upgrading their accounts when they are presented with enticing offers like free gifts, discount codes, and more.

2. Provide more value for customers

Most upsell offers provide more value for customers. They include advanced features and resources that can help users to accomplish more tasks. Even more, when you offer personalized product features to customers, they will get a better experience and feel more satisfied.

3. Increase buyer loyalty

Upselling provides the opportunity for you to meet most of your customer's needs. This will make them more loyal to your brand and more likely to spread the word about your product. They'll always be eager to come back to your brand because they know that they'll be able to find what they're looking for.

10 Best Examples of Upsell Emails

So far, we've explained some of the ways that upselling can help improve business growth.

Now, let's move on to the 10 Best Examples of Upsell Emails to inspire you as you create your own.

1. Zoom

Zoom: An upsell email example by showing users how a free plan is holding them back from achieving more with the product. 

Zoom does well in this upsell email example by showing users how a free plan is holding them back from achieving more with the product.

The email starts by reminding users that they have a limited time with the free plan. It also highlights an additional feature that users will get when they upgrade—one year of unlimited whiteboard access.

Lastly, the email applies a FOMO tactic by including a deadline to get users to quickly act on the offer before it's gone.

Just like Zoom, you can include an additional feature that users can access for free when they upgrade to a premium plan. You can also apply a FOMO tactic to entice users to quickly grab the upsell offer by including a deadline.

2. Evernote

Evernote: An upsell email example that encourages users to upgrade to a premium plan by revealing what users will gain when they upgrade. (Source)

In this upsell email example, Evernote encourages users to upgrade to a premium plan by revealing what users will gain when they upgrade. The email also includes a generous offer—extra six months when you pay for a one-year premium plan.

Just like Evernote, you can entice your users to upgrade by giving them a discount offer or additional free months when they upgrade their account.

3. Zapier

Zapier: An upsell email example highlighting the number of tasks the user completed by using the product. (Source)

In this upsell email, Zapier starts by highlighting the number of tasks the user completed by using the product.

Even more, the email also reveals all the premium features that the user will lose access to if they don't upgrade their plan. After that, Zapier introduced a better way for users to accomplish more with the product by recommending the business plan.

What you can learn from this example—you can entice your users to upgrade by highlighting the key features that they will miss if they don't upgrade.

4. Freelancer

Freelancer: An upsell email example stating a pain point most recruiters deal with in the freelance world—finding high-quality talents. (Source)

Freelancer does a great job in this upsell email. It starts by stating a pain point most recruiters deal with in the freelance world—finding high-quality talents.

So, the marketing team at Freelancer took up the opportunity to solve this problem by offering a recruitment service. The email also highlights the benefits that users will get when they upgrade to the recruitment service.

Just like Freelancer, you can highlight a major pain point that users deal with to strike the right emotional chord. Then offer your upsell offer as a solution to their problems. Even more, including some benefits that the users will get when they upgrade to a premium or plus plan.

5. Grammarly

Grammarly: An upsell email example of a brief rundown of the user's activity highlighting important tasks that the user was able to perform. (Source)

In this upsell email, Grammarly begins with a brief rundown of the user's activity highlighting important tasks that the user was able to perform.

Towards the end of the email, Grammarly introduced a better way for the user can achieve more using their product. While the user achieved a lot with the free plan, not having a premium plan is still providing a limitation of product usage.

The upgrade offer is placed right at the end of the email, highlighting additional tasks the users will accomplish if they should upgrade their accounts.

What you can learn from this email—remind your customers of what they have achieved including the major milestones. Then entice your customers to accept your upgrade offer by stating the additional benefits they will get when they upgrade to a premium plan.

6. WeTransfer

WeTransfer: An upsell email example that reminds customers of a new feature upgrade that they should take advantage of. (Source)

In this email upsell example, WeTransfer reminds customers of a new feature upgrade that they should take advantage of.

Even more, the email also includes the benefits that users will get when they upgrade their account to a premium plan. Its upgrade offer comes right at the end with a call-to-action button that's hard to miss.

7. Kiwico

Kiwico: An upsell email highlighting a free gift that customers will get when they upgrade their accounts. (Source)

In this email, KiwiCo does well to entice customers to consider a premium plan. The email starts by highlighting a free gift that customers will get when they upgrade their accounts. The email includes a call-to-action text that reveals a discount code that customers can use to get the upsell offer.

Just like KiwiCo, you can give your customers a free gift when they upgrade their accounts. This can serve as an added incentive to get customers to accept your offer.

8. Elementor

Elementor: An upsell email example by reminding customers of all the benefits they can gain from a premium plan. (Source)

Elementor does well in this upsell email by reminding customers of all the benefits they can gain from a premium plan.

Advanced features, additional widgets, and resources are definitely what any website builder will love to have and Elementor knows this. The email is clearly written and includes a call-to-action button that compels users to take action.

This example from Elementor shows that you can reveal advanced features and additional resources that your users will gain when they upgrade their accounts.

9. Wix

Wix: An upsell email example by applying a FOMO and scarcity tactic to compel customers to take action. (Source)

In this upsell email example, Wix does well by applying a FOMO and scarcity tactic to compel customers to take action. 50% off and a countdown timer acts as a great incentive for users that have doubts about upgrading to a premium plan.

The email includes a breakdown of the benefits that users will get when they upgrade their accounts to a premium plan.

Just like Wix, you can entice your users to grab your upsell offer by applying FOMO and scarcity tactics to remind them that the offer is limited and will expire in the future.

10. Wix

Wix: An upsell email example that encourages website builders to hire a Wix partner to make the website-building process less challenging. (Source)

This is another great upsell email example from Wix. The email encourages website builders to hire a Wix partner to make the website-building process less challenging.

The email leverages beautiful imagery to make its content stand out and visually appealing. In the end, it includes a call-to-action button that compels users to take action.

Just like Wix, you can leverage beautiful imagery and a clear call-to-action to persuade customers to consider your upsell offer.

Wrapping up

Upsell Emails are one of the best ways to get customers to get a taste of your premium plans. However, you need to craft them in the best way possible for higher conversions. This involves applying important tactics like FOMO, a compelling call-to-action, power words, free gifts, discount offers, and more!

Ponder on the upsell email examples explained above and use the insights to guide you as you create your upsell emails for your SaaS business. Remember to state the benefits that users will get when they upgrade to a premium plan or subscription.

At Engage, we make this process less challenging for you. You can use our platform to create automated email series and run multivariate tests to identify the best-performing emails.

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